Freemasonry and the Ripper

When I received the first thirty-seven page contribution from Dennis Stocks, I was amazed. When I got the second one just three days later, I was absolutely floored. And when I received his most recent contribution, I had no choice but to create an entirely separate page just for his works! So here they are, essays written by Dennis Stocks, himself a Freemason. Your comments are always welcome -- just hit any of the Send Mail links at the bottom of every page.


Received: April 14th, 1996
Contributed By: Dennis Stocks

Includes a wonderful introduction and summary of the basics of the case, as well as a full-length rebuttal of the Duke of Clarence/Freemasons theory presented by Knight and others, such as Melvyn Fairclough in his book, "The Ripper and the Royals (1991)." Includes an extensive bibliography as well as notes on the text.

Read Stocks's Essay

Reader's Response to Stocks' Essays


Received: April 15th, 1996
Contributed By: Dennis Stocks

Deals with the history of Anti-Masonic sentiments beginning around the time of the Ripper killings, as well as the relationship between Freemasonry and the Catholic Church. Also comments on the works of prominent Anti-Masonic authors and the effect they had on this relationship.

Read Stocks' Essay

Reader's Response to Stocks' Essays


Received: April 15th, 1996
Contributed By: Dennis Stocks

A beginner's guide to Freemasonry -- if you (like myself) know little or nothing about this timeless tradition and are curious to find out what rumors are true, definitely read this one.

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Reader's Response to Stocks' Essays


Received: April 17th, 1996
Contributed By: Dennis Stocks

A history of stonecutting, the origin of Freemasonry, from its beginnings in the Middle Ages to the early Renaissance, and the evolution of the trade.

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Reader's Response to Stocks' Essays


Received: April 17th, 1996
Contributed By: Dennis Stocks

The history of Russian Freemasonry, from its very beginnings to present-day, when Alaskan envoys attempt to re-introduce Western Freemasonry in the newly opened regions of Eastern Russia.

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Reader's Response to Stocks' Essays


Received: April 17th, 1996
Contributed By: Dennis Stocks

Another look at Anti-Masonry, specifically through Leo Taxil, as well as the conflict between Freemasonry and the Catholic Church throughout history.

Read Stocks' Essay

Reader's Response to Stocks' Essays

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